News of Interest

[Hartford, CT] -  In 2024, the tragic line-of-duty deaths of a state trooper and a DOT road construction worker highlighted critical gaps in the state emp

Agencies across our state continue to face chronic understaffing, exacerbated by ongoing recruitment and retention challenges.

Union members who participate in the State Employees Retirement System (SERS) who can no longer work due to a disability depend on  a lifetime retirement allowance and health insurance.

SEBAC is profoundly saddened by the sudden and senseless loss of Hartford Police Officer Robert “Bobby” Garten, 34, an eight-year veteran with the department. Officer Garten was killed in a motor vehicle accident while responding to a call for service. Also seriously injured in the accident was Hartford PD Officer Brian Kearney who has fortunately been listed in stable condition at a nearby hospital.

SEBAC Update on Pandemic Pay – 10/5/2022

SEBAC leadership continues to advocate for pandemic hero pay that will recognize our state members’ sacrifices throughout COVID-19 and the critical role they, like all front-line workers played, in getting all of us through the worst of the pandemic.  

Winning fair and honorable contracts was a critical first win for the 2022 Legislative Session, but the fight is not over. 

Your work is important to the betterment of our state and it's paramount that elected leaders and the general public understand why we must #FundOurFutureCT

Take a selfie with one of the print outs below to remind Connecticut how your work makes Connecticut better!

The State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) is made up of 15 public sector employee unions representing roughly 46,000 Connecticut state employees. 

Members of the coalition’s individual unions work in a wide variety of State agencies, serving Connecticut citizens in many areas that affect all of our daily lives: public health, social services, education, public safety, environmental protection, criminal justice, transportation, corrections, and services for the blind, and developmentally disabled.

SEBAC Unions Hold Press Conference at the State Capitol to Demand
Fair Contracts & Good Faith Negotiations from the Lamont’s Administration

Click the Action Network Link HERE to send pre-written letters to Governor Lamont and the Legislative Leaders!