SEBAC Wins Telework Arbitration

The award of the arbitrator on the final disputed issue in telework issued yesterday in favor of the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC)’s last, best offer.  That section of the negotiated telework policy will now read:

"4.10 An employee may request telework schedules of any amount the individual believes to be consistent with job duties and operational needs.  All such requests shall be reviewed and granted, denied, or modification suggested in accordance with the procedures and standards of this policy, except that the determination of an agency to refuse to grant telework above an amount that would provide one day per workweek at the worksite shall not be subject to arbitration under this policy."

The result was due to the hard work of the members of SEBAC’s statewide telework committee, as well as to the many witnesses who testified in the binding arbitration hearing that completed in November.   

PDF icon Arbitration award.  

PDF icon Full final policy, with the awarded language added in (signatures pending).

As per the agreed upon language and the award, any denial or modification of a telework application that would result in a member being required to be at the work site more than one day per week is appealable.  Members seeking to appeal should email [email protected] in addition to following any and all notification processes established by their local union.